HAJJ 1933 AD / 1352 AH
Lady Evelyn Zainab Murray Cobbold (1867-1963 AD/ 1283- 1382 AH) was the first European women to record her personal experience of Hajj. The eldest daughter of the seventh Earl of Dunmore, she is believed to have embraced Islam during her childhood. Her pilgrimage to Mecca was permitted by King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, and she was hosted by Harry St John Bridger Philby, an intrepid British explorer and author, a Muslim convert who had reached Mecca in 1931 AD/ 1349 AH. At the age of 66, Lady Evelyn started her journey by ship from Cairo to the Port of Jeddah, alone.
Once Lady Evelyn had reached Jeddah, she was looked after by Harry St John Philby. As permission to enter the holy city had not yet been received, she occupied her leisure time by travelling in the region and recording her experiences. Muslims pilgrims on their way to Mecca were among the sights that captivated her. As stated in an account dated 28 February 1933/ 3 Dhu’l Qa’dah 1351, while in Jeddah:
HAJJ 1933 AD / 1352 AH
Lady Evelyn Zainab Murray Cobbold (1867-1963 AD/ 1283- 1382 AH) was the first European women to record her personal experience of Hajj. The eldest daughter of the seventh Earl of Dunmore, she is believed to have embraced Islam during her childhood. Her pilgrimage to Mecca was permitted by King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, and she was hosted by Harry St John Bridger Philby, an intrepid British explorer and author, a Muslim convert who had reached Mecca in 1931 AD/ 1349 AH. At the age of 66, Lady Evelyn started her journey by ship from Cairo to the Port of Jeddah, alone.
Once Lady Evelyn had reached Jeddah, she was looked after by Harry St John Philby. As permission to enter the holy city had not yet been received, she occupied her leisure time by travelling in the region and recording her experiences. Muslims pilgrims on their way to Mecca were among the sights that captivated her. As stated in an account dated 28 February 1933/ 3 Dhu’l Qa’dah 1351, while in Jeddah:
“We pass many pilgrims on their way to the Holy Cities, some in motors, some swaying on the camels, and the very poor on foot. The men are clothed in their ihram (or two towels) and bareheaded. The women going to Medina are in black or colours, while those on the road to Mecca are in their pilgrim white. Some of the poor pilgrims from far countries take years on their way.”
On 12 March 1933/ 15 Dhu’l Qa’dah 1351, King Ibn Saud gave permission for Lady Evelyn to enter Mecca.
IBADAH HAJI 1933 M / 1352 H
Lady Evelyn Zainab Murray Cobbold (1867- 1963 M/ 1283- 1382 H) ialah wanita Eropah pertama yang telah merekodkan pengalamannya ketika mengerjakan ibadah haji. Beliau merupakan anak perempuan sulung daripada Earl Dunmore, beliau dipercayai telah memeluk agama Islam semenjak kecil. Pemergiannya ke Makkah telah mendapat keizinan daripada Raja Abdul Aziz Ibnu Saud dan beliau juga menjadi tetamu khas kepada Harry St John Philby, seorang penjelajah Britain yang terkenal dengan keberaniannya. Philby, yang telah memeluk Islam, mengerjakan haji pada tahun 1931 M/ 1349 H. Sewaktu berumur 66 tahun, Lady Evelyn telah memulakan perjalanannya secara bersendirian ke Makkah dengan menaiki kapal laut yang bertolak dari Kaherah ke Pelabuhan Jeddah.
Apabila tiba di Jeddah, Lady Evelyn dijaga oleh Harry St John Philby, yang mempunyai hak istimewa sebagai penasihat British kepada Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud. Oleh kerana Lady Evelyn belum mendapat kebenaran memasuki kota suci Makkah, beliau telah mengisi masa lapangnya dengan berjalan-jalan di kawasan sekitar dan merekodkan pengalamannya. Antara yang menarik perhatian beliau ialah pergerakkan jemaah haji yang menuju ke Makkah. Ketika di Jeddah, pada tanggal 28 Februari 1933 M / 3 Dhu’l Qa’dah 1351 H, beliau menulis:
“Kami melepasi jemaah yang dalam perjalanan mereka ke Kota Suci, ada yang menaiki kenderaan berenjin, ada yang terhoyong-hayang di atas unta, dan mereka yang miskin hanya berjalan kaki. Golongan lelaki telah siap memakai ihram tanpa penutup kepala. Golongan wanita yang menuju ke Madinah berpakaian hitam, manakala yang menuju ke Makkah pula berpakaian haji berwarna putih. Sesetengah jemaah haji yang miskin dari negara yang jauh mengambil masa yang lama untuk sampai.”
Pada 12 Mac 1933 M / 15 Dhu’l Qa’dah 1351 H, Raja Ibnu Saud telah membenarkan Lady Evelyn untuk memasuki Makkah.
SOURCE: Teks ini adalah hak milik Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (IAMM). Teks adalah panel pameran 'En Route to Mecca: Pilgrims' Voices throughout the Centuries' IAMM. Writer and researcher: Mr. Zulkifli Ishak/ English editor: Mr. Lucien de Guise/ Malay editor: Mrs. Ros Mahwati Ahmad Zakaria. Fotograf2 yang tertera ini mendapat kebenaran daripada Angus Sladen, cucu cicit Lady Evelyn Zainab Murray Cobbold untuk di pamerkan di pameran IAMM.
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